
Disruption of basal CXCR4 oligomers impairs oncogenic properties in lymphoid neoplasms
Mobach S, Bergkamp ND, Ma Z, Haselager MV, Anbuhl SM, Jurriens D, van den Bor J, Wang Z, Crudden C, Roos JL, Perez Almeria CV, Boerjonge RA, Lohse MJ, Bosma R, Eldering E, Siderius M, Wu W, Spaargaren M, Tonino SH, Kater AP, Smit MJ, Heukers R.
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Constitutive activity of an atypical chemokine receptor revealed by inverse agonistic nanobodies
Perez Almera CV, Otun O, Schlimgen R, Lamme TD, Crudden C, Youssef N, Musli L, Jenjak S, Bobkov V, Drube J, Hoffmann C, Volkman BF, Granier S, Bechara C, Siderius M, Heukers R, Schafer CT, Smit MJ.
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Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by nanobodies targeting tetraspanin CD9
Umotoy JC, Kroon PZ, Man S, van Dort KA, Atabey T, Schriek AI, Dekkers G, Herrera-Carrillo E, Geijtenbeek TBH, Heukers R, Kootstra NA, van Gils MJ, de Taeye SW. 
iScience. 2024 Oct 18. doi:

Multivalent CXCR4-targeting nanobody formats differently affect affinity, receptor clustering, and antagonism
Anbuhl SM, Dervillez X, Neubacher S, Schriek AI, Bobkov V, de Taeye SW, Szpakowska M, Siderius M, Grossmann TN, Chevigné A, Smit MJ, Heukers R.
Biochem Pharmacol. 2024 Sept. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2024.116457.

Nanobody-liposomes as novel cancer vaccine platform to efficiently stimulate T cell immunity
Bouma RG, Nijen Twilhaar MK, Brink HJ, Affandi AJ, Mesquita BS, Olesek K, van Dommelen JMA, Heukers R, de Haas AM, Kalay H, Ambrosini M, Metselaar JM, van Rooijen A, Storm G, Oliveira S, van Kooyk Y, den Haan JM.
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Inhibition of cleavage of human complement component C5 and the R885H C5 variant by two distinct high affinity anti-C5 nanobodies
Struijf EM, De la O Becerra KI, Ruyken M, de Haas CJC, van Oosterom F, Siere DY, van Keulen JE, Heesterbeek DAC, Dolk E, Heukers R, Bardoel BW, Gros P, Rooijakkers SHM.
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A multispectral 3D live organoid imaging platform to screen probes for fluorescence guided surgery
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NanoB2 to monitor interactions of ligands with membrane proteins by combining nanobodies and NanoBRET
van den Bor J, Bergkamp ND, Anbuhl SM, Dekker F, Comez D, Perez Almeria CV, Bosma R, White CW, Kilpatrick LE, Hill SJ, Siderius M, Smit MJ, Heukers R.
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Candidalysin Is the Hemolytic Factor of Candida albicans.
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Fluorescently tagged nanobodies and NanoBRET to study ligand-binding and agonist-induced conformational changes of full-length EGFR expressed in living cells.
Comez D, Glenn J, Anbuhl SM, Heukers R, Smit MJ, Hill SJ, Kilpatrick LE.
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Novel VHH-Based Tracers with Variable Plasma Half-Lives for Imaging of CAIX-Expressing Hypoxic Tumor Cells.
van Lith SAM, Huizing FJ, Franssen GM, Hoeben BAW, Lok J, Doulkeridou S, Boerman OC, Gotthardt M, van Bergen En Henegouwen PMP, Bussink J, Heskamp S.
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Directing HIV-1 for degradation by non-target cells, using bi-specific single-chain llama antibodies.
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Conformational selection guides β-arrestin recruitment at a biased G protein-coupled receptor.
Kleist AB, Jenjak S, Sente A, Laskowski LJ, Szpakowska M, Calkins MM, Anderson EI, McNally LM, Heukers R, Bobkov V, Peterson FC, Thomas MA, Chevigné A, Smit MJ, McCorvy JD, Babu MM, Volkman BF.
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Anti-HIV-1 Nanobody-IgG1 Constructs With Improved Neutralization Potency and the Ability to Mediate Fc Effector Functions.
Schriek AI, van Haaren MM, Poniman M, Dekkers G, Bentlage AEH, Grobben M, Vidarsson G, Sanders RW, Verrips T, Geijtenbeek TBH, Heukers R, Kootstra NA, de Taeye SW, van Gils MJ.
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Recombinant Limosilactobacillus (Lactobacillus) delivering nanobodies against Clostridium perfringens NetB and alpha toxin confers potential protection from necrotic enteritis.
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Structural insights into the non-inhibitory mechanism of the anti-EGFR EgB4 nanobody.
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Candidalysin delivery to the invasion pocket is critical for host epithelial damage induced by Candida albicans.
Mogavero S, Sauer FM, Brunke S, Allert S, Schulz D, Wisgott S, Jablonowski N, Elshafee O, Krüger T, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA, Naglik JR, Dolk E, Hube B.
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Revealing the spatio-phenotypic patterning of cells in healthy and tumor tissues with mLSR-3D and STAPL-3D.
van Ineveld RL, Kleinnijenhuis M, Alieva M, de Blank S, Barrera Roman M, van Vliet EJ, Martínez Mir C, Johnson HR, Bos FL, Heukers R, Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Drost J, Dekkers JF, Wehrens EJ, Rios AC.
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Homogeneous tumor targeting with a single dose of HER2-targeted albumin-binding domain-fused nanobody-drug conjugates results in long-lasting tumor remission in mice.
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Anti-CfaE nanobodies provide broad cross-protection against major pathogenic enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains, with implications for vaccine design.
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Advanced fluorescence microscopy reveals disruption of dynamic CXCR4 dimerization by subpocket-specific inverse agonists.
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Monitoring Allosteric Interactions with CXCR4 Using NanoBiT Conjugated Nanobodies.
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Dual Targeting of Endothelial and Cancer Cells Potentiates In Vitro Nanobody-Targeted Photodynamic Therapy.
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Stimulation of Collateral Vessel Growth by Inhibition of Galectin 2 in Mice Using a Single-Domain Llama-Derived Antibody.
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Nanobodies that Neutralize HIV.
Weiss RA, Verrips CT.
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Nanobody-Targeted Photodynamic Therapy Selectively Kills Viral GPCR-Expressing Glioblastoma Cells.
De Groof TWM, Mashayekhi V, Fan TS, Bergkamp ND, Sastre Toraño J, van Senten JR, Heukers R, Smit MJ, Oliveira S.
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Super Potent Bispecific Llama VHH Antibodies Neutralize HIV via a Combination of gp41 and gp120 Epitopes.
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VHH-Photosensitizer Conjugates for Targeted Photodynamic Therapy of Met-Overexpressing Tumor Cells.
Heukers R, Mashayekhi V, Ramirez-Escudero M, de Haard H, Verrips TC, van Bergen En Henegouwen PMP, Oliveira S.
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Nanobodies detecting and modulating GPCRs outside in and inside out.
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Nanobodies: New avenues for imaging, stabilizing and modulating GPCRs.
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CXCR4-targeting nanobodies differentially inhibit CXCR4 function and HIV entry.
Van Hout A, Klarenbeek A, Bobkov V, Doijen J, Arimont M, Zhao C, Heukers R, Rimkunas R, de Graaf C, Verrips T, van der Woning B, de Haard H, Rucker JB, Vermeire K, Handel T, Van Loy T, Smit MJ, Schols D.
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Extremely thin layer plastification for focused-ion beam scanning electron microscopy: an improved method to study cell surfaces and organelles of cultured cells.
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Towards an ultra-rapid smartphone- connected test for infectious diseases.
Turbé V, Gray ER, Lawson VE, Nastouli E, Brookes JC, Weiss RA, Pillay D, Emery VC, Verrips CT, Yatsuda H, Athey D, McKendry RA.
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Unravelling the Molecular Basis of High Affinity Nanobodies against HIV p24: In Vitro Functional, Structural, and in Silico Insights.
Gray ER, Brookes JC, Caillat C, Turbé V, Webb BLJ, Granger LA, Miller BS, McCoy LE, El Khattabi M, Verrips CT, Weiss RA, Duffy DM, Weissenhorn W, McKendry RA.
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A novel immuno-gold labeling protocol for nanobody-based detection of HER2 in breast cancer cells using immuno-electron microscopy.
Kijanka M, van Donselaar EG, Müller WH, Dorresteijn B, Popov-Čeleketić D, El Khattabi M, Verrips CT, van Bergen En Henegouwen PMP, Post JA.
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Legomedicine-A Versatile Chemo-Enzymatic Approach for the Preparation of Targeted Dual-Labeled Llama Antibody-Nanoparticle Conjugates.
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Endogenous DKK1 and FRZB Regulate Chondrogenesis and Hypertrophy in Three-Dimensional Cultures of Human Chondrocytes and Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
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Dual anti-idiotypic purification of a novel, native-format biparatopic anti-MET antibody with improved in vitro and in vivo efficacy.
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Hypoxia-Targeting Fluorescent Nanobodies for Optical Molecular Imaging of Pre-Invasive Breast Cancer.
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Effective Inhibition of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Function by Highly Specific Llama-Derived Antibodies.
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Camelid heavy chain only antibody fragment domain against β-site of amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 inhibits β-secretase activity in vitro and in vivo.
Dorresteijn B, Rotman M, Faber D, Schravesande R, Suidgeest E, van der Weerd L, van der Maarel SM, Verrips CT, El Khattabi M.
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Neutralization properties of simian immunodeficiency viruses infecting chimpanzees and gorillas.
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Molecular evolution of broadly neutralizing Llama antibodies to the CD4-binding site of HIV-1.
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Selection of VHHs under application conditions.
Dolk E, Verrips T, de Haard H.
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